El Mito de la Naturaleza Intocada (OUT OF PRINT)
Antonio Carlos Diegues
Ediciones Abya- Yala, 1999, 179 páginas
La obra trata de las relaciones simbólicas y del imaginario entre el hombre y la naturaleza cuyo centro de análisis consiste en las áreas naturales protegidas.

The Myth of Untamed Nature in the Brazilian Rainforest
Antonio Carlos Diegues
1998 - 136 páginas.
This book deals with the relations between nature and local communities living inside protected areas in Brazil.

Deforestation and Livelihoods in The Brazilian Amanonz (OUT OF PRINT)
Antonio Carlos Diegues (org.)
NUPAUB/UNRISD, 1997 - 189 páginas.
This paper is intended as an indepth analisys the processes os deforestation in two spacific regions of Amazonia: Rondônia and Southeastern Pará.
Tradition and Social Change in The Coastal Communities of Brazil (OUT OF PRINT)
Antonio Carlos Diegues (editor)
1997 - 235 páginas.
This publication provides a global view of the most important social and cultural features of the changing Brazilian coastal communities, interelating the various aspects of their pratices.